won the Living Cube Competitionskim-aFeb 26, 20151 min readskimA won the Living Cube Competition in Korea. 10 winning schemes were developed further and Passage House was the one of Honorable Mentions. 리빙큐브 공모전 전문가 부분에 당선되었습니다. 1차 10개의 당선안들중 Passage House는 가작을 수상하였습니다.
skimA won the Living Cube Competition in Korea. 10 winning schemes were developed further and Passage House was the one of Honorable Mentions. 리빙큐브 공모전 전문가 부분에 당선되었습니다. 1차 10개의 당선안들중 Passage House는 가작을 수상하였습니다.